Making the paddles and ball move

Moving the paddles

Finally, we’re going to get around to moving the paddles. To move them, you can use the canvas.move function. Add these two functions inside the Paddle class.

def move_up(self):
    canvas.move(, 0, -5)
    self.pos_y -= 5

def move_down(self):
    canvas.move(, 0, 5)
    self.pos_y += 5

The move function takes the widget that has to be moved (, the amount it has to be moved in the x-direction (0 because the paddles aren’t moving sideways), and the amount it moves in the y-direction. I’m moving the paddles by 5 units each time, but you can always change that. Try adding a few calls to move_up and move_down in your code and what happens - how far the paddle moves, how fast it moves, etc. It’s also important for the paddle to keep track of where it is, which is why you also need to change pos_y.

One can use root.bind to bind a key to a function, i.e., trigger a function when a certain key is pressed. The first argument of bind is the triggering event (a key in this case), and the second is the function to be triggered. When the key “w” is pressed, the left paddle should move up; when “s” is pressed, it should move down; when the up arrow is pressed, the right paddle should move up; and when the down arrow is pressed, it should move down.

# The keys 'w' and 's' make the left paddle move up and down
w_bind_id = root.bind("w", left_paddle.move_up)
s_bind_id = root.bind("s", left_paddle.move_down)

# The up and down arrow keys make the left paddle move up and down
up_bind_id = root.bind("<KeyPress-Up>", right_paddle.move_up)
down_bind_id = root.bind("<KeyPress-Down>", right_paddle.move_down)

Add the above code to your program, run it, and try moving the paddles by pressing “w”, “s”, up, and down. You’ll see that there’s an error saying that move_up or move_down “takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given.” Why is this? It’s because Tkinter also wants to give your function an object that contains information about the event that happened (for more information, see here). We’ll have to modify our move_up and move_down functions like this (there’s no need to use event):

def move_up(self, event):
    canvas.move(, 0, -5)
    self.pos_y -= 5

def move_down(self, event):
    canvas.move(, 0, 5)
    self.pos_y += 5

Now try moving the paddles up and down. It should work properly now. However, you might find that they move a little too slowly. To find the right value, we’ll have to experiment a little by increasing and decreasing the speed of the paddle. But say you want to make the paddle go faster (30 units every keypress instead of 5). You’ll have to change the value in move_up to -30 and the one in move_down to 30, and you’ll have to change both numbers every single time you want to tweak the paddle’s movement even a little bit. So instead of hardcoding that value, let’s have an instance variable called change that tells us how much the paddle moves.

Add a change parameter in your constructor (what position you put it in is a matter of preference), and use that to set self.change:

def __init__(self, height, width, pos_x, pos_y, color, change):
    self.change = change
    ... # The rest of your code

Then use self.change in move_up and move_down:

def move_up(self, event):
    canvas.move(, 0, -self.change)
    self.pos_y -= self.change

def move_down(self, event):
    canvas.move(, 0, self.change)
    self.pos_y += self.change

You’ll also have to give an argument for change when you create your paddles. Like we did with height and width before, we can create a single variable (paddle_movement) and use that for both paddles.

paddle_movement = 15

left_paddle = Paddle(
    pos_x=paddle_width / 2,
right_paddle = Paddle(
    pos_x=canvas_width - paddle_width / 2,

Making the ball move

For now, let’s just make the ball move without making it bounce. First, the ball needs to have xspeed and yspeed attributes to know how much it should move. Add them as parameters to the constructor.

def __init__(self, pos_x, pos_y, radius, xspeed, yspeed):
    self.xspeed = xspeed
    self.yspeed = yspeed
    ... # The rest of your code

The ball should also have an update function that moves the ball and is called continuously. The below code is pretty straightforward: it updates pos_x and pos_y and then actually redraws the ball on the screen. Remember that the move function expects the speed of the object and not the position where you want it to go.

def update(self, line):
    self.pos_x += self.xspeed
    self.pos_y += self.yspeed

    canvas.move(, self.xspeed, self.yspeed)

Let’s change the creation of the ball now. We’ll have to give it arguments for xspeed and yspeed, but there’s no need to create variables for it like we did for the paddles’ height and width because the Ball constructor is only being called once. Later on, we’ll choose the speeds randomly.

# You can set xspeed and yspeed to whatever you like
ball = Ball(pos_x=x_center, pos_y=y_center, radius=ball_radius, xspeed=1, yspeed=2)

After this, we make a while loop to continuously move the ball. Right now, it’s going to be an infinite loop, but later on, it’ll end when someone wins the game. Make sure this while loop is after you bind the keys, because you won’t be able to move the paddles during the while loop otherwise. Also make sure that you call root.update() every time you update the ball, because you won’t see it move otherwise.

while True:

Try running the code now. You won’t see the ball, because it disappeared almost instantly. We need to delay the ball, and luckily, there’s a time module for that. Add import time at the top of your file, and at the bottom of the while loop, insert time.sleep(0.5), which will make it pause for half a second. Try running again and you’ll see that the ball moves in little jumps and eventually goes off screen, because we haven’t implemented any bouncing logic.

Making the ball bounce

Before we write code to actually make the ball bounce, let’s think about how a ball bounces. It bounces off of the top wall, the bottom wall, the right edge of the left paddle, and the left edge of the right paddle. When it bounces off of the left paddle, its y speed is unchanged, but it goes right at the same speed it was previously going left at. When it bounces off the top paddle, its x speed is unchanged, but it goes down at the same speed that it was previously going up at. When it bounces off the right paddle, it goes left. You get the idea.

Let’s first define a StraightLine class to represent things that the ball can bounce off of. Each line must know its endpoints, hence the parameters (and attributes) start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y. As you’ve guessed, these will be floating-point numbers representing x- and y-coordinates. position will be a string telling us where the line is. For example, if it’s "left", we will know that the line is on the left, meaning that the ball will probably bounce off to the right. As you guessed, is_wall is a boolean telling us whether or not the line is a wall. It’s not completely necessary, but we can use it to avoid some extra calculations later.

class StraightLine:
    A horizontal or vertical line that isn't seen

    def __init__(self, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, position, is_wall):
        self.start_x = start_x
        self.start_y = start_y
        self.end_x = end_x
        self.end_y = end_y
        self.position = position
        self.is_wall = is_wall

Let’s use these to define the walls

top_wall = StraightLine(0, 0, canvas_width, 0, position="top", is_wall=True,)
bottom_wall = StraightLine(
    0, canvas_height, canvas_width, canvas_height, position="bottom", is_wall=True,
left_wall = StraightLine(0, 0, 0, canvas_height, position="left", is_wall=True,)
right_wall = StraightLine(
    canvas_width, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height, position="right", is_wall=True,

Let’s pass the ball a list of lines that it can bounce off. We can call this list bounce_lines.

def __init__(self, pos_x, pos_y, radius, xspeed, yspeed, bounce_lines):
    self.bounce_lines = bounce_lines
    ... # The rest of your code

You’ll have to modify the ball again, and pass in the 4 walls as a list (the ball won’t actually bounce off the side walls, but we can remove that later):

ball = Ball(
    bounce_lines=[left_wall, top_wall, right_wall, bottom_wall],

We need to make 2 new methods in the Ball class, should_bounce, and bounce. Just make stubs for them now - we’ll deal with the actual implementation later.

def should_bounce(self, line):
    Whether or not it should bounce off the given line

def bounce(self, line):
    Bounce off the given line

Now, in the Ball.update method, it can check if there’s a line that it should bounce off of, and if there is, it should bounce off it. The break is there because once it’s started bouncing, there’s no need to go through the rest of the list to find another line to bounce off.

def update(self, line):
    self.pos_x += self.xspeed
    self.pos_y += self.yspeed

    canvas.move(, self.xspeed, self.yspeed)

    for line in self.bounce_lines:
        if self.should_bounce(line):

Filling in the function stubs

Now to implement the bounce function. As I mentioned earlier, the ball basically reverses its x speed if it bounces off the left or right paddles(or walls), and reverses its y speed if it bounces off the top or bottom walls.

Let’s pretend that Lines have an attribute is_horiz which tells us whether or not they’re horizontal. If the line the ball is bouncing off is horizontal (which the top and bottom walls are), we can reverse the ball’s yspeed attribute by multiplying by -1. If the line is vertical, we can multiply xspeed by -1.

def bounce(self, line):
    if line.is_horiz:
        self.yspeed *= -1
        self.xspeed *= -1

Creating the is_horiz attribute is pretty trivial. In the constructor of StraightLine, just check the position and set it accordingly.

if self.position == "top" or self.position == "bottom"
    self.is_horiz = True
    self.is_horiz = False

# Or you could use this shorter version:
self.is_horiz = self.position == "top" or self.position == "bottom"

The should_bounce function is a little more complicated. For now, let’s just implement it by checking the distance from the line to the ball. But first, let’s decide how the distance is going to be defined. Instead of checking the distance from a certain point on the ball’s edge to the walls/paddles, we can use the distance from the center of the ball and check if it’s more than the radius.

Having done that, we need to define what point on the wall we need to use to calculate the distance. Should we use the distance to the ends of the wall (red and lavender), the distance to the center of the wall (green), or the distance to the point on the wall that’s right below the ball (blue)?

The lengths of the red, green, and lavender lines will change if the length of the wall changes, so we can’t use them, since the distance between the ball and wall should have nothing to do with the length of the wall. That leaves us the blue line. No matter what the length of the wall, it will always stay the same.

That’s all well and good, but how do you actually find the length of this line? Well, it’s perpendicular to the wall and it goes straight through the ball’s center. That means the x-coordinate of both its endpoints is the same. We don’t have to worry about the Pythagorean theorem and whatnot - we can just treat it as a 1D number line and find the difference between the y-coordinates of the line’s endpoints, i.e., find the difference between the ball’s center’s y-coordinate and the wall’s y-coordinate (since the wall is horizontal, every point on that line has the same y-coordinate).

We can also use this same formula when the ball is bouncing off the top wall. The only difference is that because this time the wall is higher than the ball, the wall’s y-coordinate minus the ball’s y-coordinate will be a negative number (remember that the coordinate system is backwards). We can work around this by using the absolute value so as to make them both positive.

Finding the distance to a vertical wall/paddle is very similar - just use the x-coordinates instead of the y-coordinates. Let’s make a function in the StraightLine class to calculate the distance when the wall/paddle in question is on the top or bottom of the screen, i.e., it is horizontal:

def distance_to_ball(self, ball):
    if self.is_horiz:
        # Note that you could also use self.end_y since they're the same
        return abs(self.start_y - ball.pos_y)
        # Vertical, so use the x-coordinates instead
        return abs(self.start_x - ball.pos_x)

You can now use distance_to_ball in the should_bounce function above. Since distance_to_ball returns the distance to the center of the ball, the radius of the ball is important. If the distance is the same as the radius, it means that the point on the wall is on the edge of the ball (because a circle is basically the set of all points whose distance from the center is the radius). If the distance is more than the radius, it means that the point on the wall is outside the circle of the ball. If the distance is less than the radius, it means that the point is inside the circle. So basically, if the distance is less than or equal to the radius, the ball is touching the wall, meaning it should bounce. Keeping that in mind, one can define should_bounce this way:

def should_bounce(self, line):
    if line.distance_to_ball(self) <= self.radius:
        return True
        return False

# A shorter version

def should_bounce(self, line):
    return line.distance_to_ball(self) <= self.radius

When you run it, you should see the ball bouncing off the walls. If it’s going too slowly, make the delay in the while loop smaller (I’m using time.sleep(0.01)).

Next step: Making the ball bounce off the paddles

The source code for this part is here.